Source introducation


Contextual topics

a. E-books

b. Different language mostly use

c. Database

Research questions

a. Does e-books change our reading style?

b. Which languages are mostly used nowadays

c. How does database used in collecting?


Does e-books change our reading style?

ENT. (2013, October 13). Does the ebook replace the paper book? Retrieved from

1.DevMy. (n.d.). DevMyApp Inc. Retrieved from 1894, Scrippner magazine published an article entitled “The End of the Book”, the author of the French literary theorist Octave Uzanne.

2.We now know that reading is a physical activity. The way we get information is the same as the way we experience the world – not only with vision but also by touch.

YAO, L. L. (2011, August 10). The Influence of the Rise of Electronic Books. Retrieved from

1.Easy to carry, save space, reduce paper and so on are the advantages of e-books, which is precisely the pursuit of modern city people. Coupled with the extensive publicity advertisers, so that more and more consumers to recognize e-books, and even began to use e-books, and the traditional printed book seems to be compared.

2.The traditional book printed on paper (hereinafter referred to as the “printed book”) is so far from the beginning of the birth of the mother to accompany the left side of the reading tool. However, the ever-changing technology, novel small e-book in recent years not only in foreign markets set off a sought after boom

Which languages are mostly used nowadays

LANE, J. (2014, April 5). The 10 Most Spoken Languages in the World – Retrieved from

1.If you’re reading this article you may be one of the 360 million-odd native English speakers, or one of the half a billion people who speak it as a second language. This indicates the remarkable success of English as the lingua franca of business, travel and international relations. The relative ease with which English can be picked up (especially compared with Chinese) and the pervasive soft power of US culture mean that English will continue to dominate the world stage. For some, English is still synonymous with opportunity and a better quality of life.

2.If we are only to look at native speakers, Spanish has its nose in front of English with about 400 million speakers. If you want a language that will open up whole continents to you, Spanish is your best bet. As with all the languages on this list, the politics of language and associated identity are highly disputed: ask Catalan or Quechua speakers if Spanish is their local tongue and you will get a very different answer. But it is certainly the primary language of most of South and Central America, Spain, and, ahem, large swathes of the US.

JASON, O. (2016, July 6). The 15 Most Spoken Languages in the World. Retrieved from

1.I decided to discover the 15 most spoken languages in the world and take a look at their total number of speakers, their geographic location, and what has made them so important in the world today.

2.Despite all of the information available, this was not an easy task, because no sources seem to agree upon the total number of speakers since this information isn’t readily available for many languages. In the end, I opted for the information provided by SIL International’s Ethnologue , an online publication  dedicated to researching the world’s languages, along with the information provided by the 2010 Swedish Nationalencykopedin .

How does database used in collecting?

Fischer, S. H. (2014, May 4). Databases and Data Collection, Analysis, and Processing | RAND. Retrieved from

1.With computer technology has come the growth of local and online databases: collections of structured information stored on a computer or network of computers for querying and analysis. RAND has been a leader in the collection, analysis, and processing of databases for multidisciplinary projects in a range of research areas from census data and economic statistics to survey research and medical studies.

DbBEE. (2015, July 6). Collect data directly to database. Retrieved from

1.Gathering information is one of the most essential tasks in business. We are interested in how people react to our product, we would like to know their gender, e-mail, age, occupation etc. In some other situation we need to gather information from relatively known source, limited group of people or market segment, which can still count thousands.

2.There are two ways people in general use to collect and organize information. The old way is to simply distribute paper form of a questionnaire, to call your target group by phone, or to send an e-mail requesting information from every single group member.



b.Design style

Research questions

a. Which color give people relax style?

b. Which typeface is used in library application?


Panginl, I. S. (2017, July 6). 7 relaxing colors and how they affect your mood! | De-Stress Tips – Times of India. Retrieved from

1.This color stands true to its appearance. Peaceful, calm and gentle, blue has tremendous power to manage stress. It’s a very soothing color that helps calm your mind, slow down your heart rate, lower your blood pressure and reduce anxiety. Blue is believed to have a cooling and astringent effect. When choosing the right shade of blue, it’s best advised to go for a soft and neutral shade (eg bedroom wall) for a calming effect.

2.Green is a restful and quiet color. Because it symbolizes nature, green is one of the most beautiful and comforting colors that attracts harmonious feelings that can diffuse anxiety and helps us stay calm and refreshed. Beige greens and pale yellow-greens are the most stress-reducing shades in the green family.

Jewell, J. (2013, November 25). 5 Typography essentials for academic texts | Academic workflows on a Mac. Retrieved from

1.Typography can affect everything from the mood of a text to how convincing its arguments are. When self-publishing a thesis or working paper, or even in preparing a piece for review it’s good to follow these rules to make your texts as readible and visually pleasing as possible.

2.Use no more than two typefaces in a single document. Being consistent with typefaces makes a document feel polished and pulled together. And make sure the two fonts match.

SET. (2016, April 29). What’s the best font I can use on an academic website? – Quora. Retrieved from

1.Safe web font suggestions. (Fonts that will simply work on Windows/MacOS.)



2.Custom web font suggestions. (Fonts that require loading external resources. Google Fonts is a great free option. Google Fonts  |  Google Developers)

Libre Baskerville


FOX NEWS. (2014, May 6). Relax! 8 Paint Colors That Can Help Reduce Stress | Fox News. Retrieved from

1.You’ve probably heard that color can have an enormous impact on your mood, but you might not realize just how much it matters when it comes to your home. READ: Feeling Moody? 10 Room Colors That Might Influence Your Emotions A Minnesota State University study, for instance, found that red environments increase stress responses, while green and white environments have the opposite effect. In other words, you probably don’t want to paint the interior of your home red if your stress levels are already high. READ: Outfit Your Bedroom for a Better Night’s Sleep With that in mind, we’ve assembled the most calming colors to consider when painting your space. From dusty pinks to pale greens, these are the most calming shades that’ll help you de-stress your home (and, by extension, your life)






Bizness. (n.d.). App Maker & Mobile App Builder For Small Business | Bizness Apps. Retrieved from

Appmakr. (n.d.). How to make an app for iPhone & Android – DIY Free Mobile AppMakr. Retrieved from

DevMy. (n.d.). DevMyApp Inc. Retrieved from

Final Design Media Reseach


Contextual topics

a. E-books

b. Different language mostly use

c. Database

Research questions

a. Does e-books change our reading style?

b. Which languages are mostly used nowadays

c. How does database used in collecting?


Does e-books change our reading style?

ENT. (2013, October 13). Does the ebook replace the paper book? Retrieved from

YAO, L. L. (2011, August 10). The Influence of the Rise of Electronic Books. Retrieved from

Which languages are mostly used nowadays

LANE, J. (2014, April 5). The 10 Most Spoken Languages in the World – Retrieved from

JASON, O. (2016, July 6). The 15 Most Spoken Languages in the World. Retrieved from

How does database used in collecting?

Fischer, S. H. (2014, May 4). Databases and Data Collection, Analysis, and Processing | RAND. Retrieved from

DbBEE. (2015, July 6). Collect data directly to database. Retrieved from



b.Design style

Research questions

a. Which color give people relax style?

b. Which typeface is used in library application?


Panginl, I. S. (2017, July 6). 7 relaxing colors and how they affect your mood! | De-Stress Tips – Times of India. Retrieved from

Jewell, J. (2013, November 25). 5 Typography essentials for academic texts | Academic workflows on a Mac. Retrieved from

SET. (2016, April 29). What’s the best font I can use on an academic website? – Quora. Retrieved from

FOX NEWS. (2014, May 6). Relax! 8 Paint Colors That Can Help Reduce Stress | Fox News. Retrieved from






Bizness. (n.d.). App Maker & Mobile App Builder For Small Business | Bizness Apps. Retrieved from

Appmakr. (n.d.). How to make an app for iPhone & Android – DIY Free Mobile AppMakr. Retrieved from

DevMy. (n.d.). DevMyApp Inc. Retrieved from

Primary research

Date summary




Personal concept

  The project will be an application that allows the user to search for a specific book in a number of different libraries. To make this project first I will make the user interface. For now, i already received few peoples survey. Most of them choose they like the e-books. Only a few people choose to go to the library. So I will focus the function on e-books. The traditional lecture function I will change to online lecture too. Some of the people said that I can put the translate function into my application. I think this is a good idea that can let more people read other language’s books. Because to use online translate is too slow to read. Until now I will collect their opinion and idea first.

And I will think the search and music function. This application includes the function like the book the seat until now all the people think this function is convenient to use. Because of the time is less, so next, i will make few types of interface and let the user choose their favorite one. One user told me that the scan code is not so useful for my application. Because if they find the application they already find where can find it. For every book, i will put the user comments. In brief, this application will focus on e-books that can translate to another language. I will also include a function that called changing format like PDF、EXE、CHM、UMD、PDG、JAR、PDB、TXT、BRM. Another function I include notes. The user can write their own note on each page.


Primary research Question:

1.How often did you go to the library

  1. Once a week
  2. Once a month
  3. Other_________

2.How long will you take to find the book that you want?

  1. 10mins
  2. 20mins
  3. 30mins
  4. 5mins

3. If you have time, you will choose to go to the library to download e-books.

  1. Library
  2. E-books


1.Do you think it is simple and convenient to use?

  1. Simple
  2. Convenient
  3. Both
  4. None

2.Which function do you like best?

  1. How far and How to go
  2. E-books
  3. open and close time
  4. lecture
  5. Other__________

3. Would you like to use application to book seat?

  1. YES
  2. NO

4. Would you like to share your favorite books. If yes, which way will you share?

  1. Youtube
  2. Twitter
  3. Face to Face
  4. WeChat
  5. Other__________

5.Which function do you think you can put into my application that can make it useful? 


6.Do you like my interface.How to improve the interface?



Primary research


The project will be an application that allows the user to search for a specific book in a number of different libraries. To do the research first when i making the UI i will send a survey to audiences. Let me know the problem that can improve. Then i will use POP to make test application. Also let my audiences know to improve it.

Research method

The research method I will choose the primary research. I will use the survey, interview, questionnaire. I will send them to my friend, to the people i don’t know. To the other student other school. I will use the quantitative. I will ask more and more people to know nowadays people like which style of the application and how to improve my application.

Data collection

I will use Online survey and Offline survey include questionnaire. Because i choose the quantitative so that I will do online survey use survey monkey.Survey Monkey is a leading network survey company, founded in 1999, is the United States well-known online survey system service website, function is very powerful, user-friendly. And I will did a questionnaire to improve my project. For the offline survey i will use Offline Surveys App for Android – Offline & Mobile Features for LimeSurvey.(The Most Popular Free Open Source Software Survey Tool).Perfect solution for mystery shopping projects or interviewing people at any location using a tablet or smartphone. You can even take photos on location or use our bar code scanning feature.Lock your device so it can be used for surveys only. Useful for collecting feedback at restaurants, service centers, exhibitions. No Internet connection required.


1.How often did you go to the library

  1. Once a week
  2. Once a month
  3. Other_________

2.How long will you take to find the book that you want?

  1. 10mins
  2. 20mins
  3. 30mins
  4. 5mins

3.Do you think it is simple and convenient to use?

  1. Simple
  2. Convenient
  3. Both
  4. None

4.Which function do you like best?

  1. How far and How to go
  2. E-books
  3. open and close time
  4. lecture
  5. Other__________

5. Would you like to use application to book seat?

  1. YES
  2. NO

6. If you have time, you will choose to go to the library to download e-books.

  1. Library
  2. E-books

7. Would you like to share your favorite books. If yes, which way will you share?

  1. Youtube
  2. Twitter
  3. Face to Face
  4. WeChat
  5. Other__________

8.Which function do you think you can put into my application that can make it useful? 


9.Do you like my interface.How to improve the interface?


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